Classroom Complete Regular Education Social Studies Book: American Government, Grades - 5, 6, 7, 8


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PRICE: US$ 10.26
* Our ready-to-use resource looks at all levels of Government and is written using simplified language and vocabulary.

* Present a clear understanding between the three branches of the Federal Government as well as how the system of checks and balances works.

* The concepts are presented in a way that is easier for students to understand.

* Using ready-to-use information and activities for remedial students we have also outlined how a bill becomes a law, why the Constitution is so important and how the electoral process works.

* Written to grade, these social studies concepts are presented in a way that makes them more accessible to students and easier to understand.

* Our resource is comprised of reading passages, student activities and color overhead transparencies, Crossword, Word Search and Comprehension Quiz.

* Author: Brenda Rollins

* ISBN13: 978-1-55319-343-2

* Grades - 5, 6, 7, 8

* Reading Level: 3-4

* Total Page: 60

* Overheads: 6