Jonti-Craft® Book-Go-Round


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PRICE: US$ 395.99
The Jonti-Craft® Book-Go-Round is a versatile and space-saving solution for setting up a compact library in your classroom. This innovative book display is designed to promote a love for reading in preschoolers, providing them with a fun and interactive way to browse through their favorite titles. The stationary Book-Go-Round features eight sectioned revolving compartments, allowing you to display a variety of books in a compact footprint. This colorful and engaging book display is perfect for classrooms, libraries, and reading nooks.

With its compact design, the Jonti-Craft Book-Go-Round is ideal for small classrooms, taking up minimal floor space while still providing ample storage for your book collection. The revolving feature allows students to easily browse through the books, encouraging independence and self-directed learning. The sturdy construction of the Book-Go-Round ensures it can withstand the rigors of daily use, making it a valuable addition to your classroom furniture.

By providing easy access to a variety of books, the Jonti-Craft Book-Go-Round promotes a culture of literacy and a love for reading in young children. The colorful design and interactive feature of the revolving book display make it an attractive addition to any classroom, encouraging students to explore and engage with books in a fun and interactive way. The Book-Go-Round is an essential tool for early childhood educators, helping to foster a lifelong love for reading and learning.

The durability and sturdiness of the Jonti-Craft Book-Go-Round ensure it will withstand the rigors of daily use, making it a valuable investment for your classroom. The stationary design provides stability and prevents the book display from tipping over, providing a safe and secure environment for students to browse through books. The compact footprint of the Book-Go-Round makes it an ideal solution for small classrooms, providing ample storage for books without taking up too much space.

The Jonti-Craft Book-Go-Round is an excellent resource for early childhood educators, providing a valuable tool for promoting literacy and a love for reading in young children. By providing easy access to a variety of books, this interactive book display encourages students to engage with reading materials in a fun and interactive way. The colorful design and sturdy construction of the Book-Go-Round make it an attractive addition to any classroom, providing a valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Incorporating the Jonti-Craft Book-Go-Round into your classroom furniture is an excellent way to create a welcoming and engaging learning environment. The compact design and interactive feature of the Book-Go-Round make it an ideal solution for early childhood educators, providing a valuable resource for promoting literacy and a love for reading. By providing easy access to a variety of books, the Jonti-Craft Book-Go-Round is an essential tool for creating a lifelong love for reading and learning in young children.