Little Masters Green 128Oz Tempera Paint

SKU: EDR-RPC204745

In Stock

PRICE: US$ 17.15
Introducing the Little Masters Green 128Oz Tempera Paint, a top-notch art supply that's perfect for young creatives to express themselves. This exceptional paint is a stellar choice for budding artists, offering an economical and high-quality solution for schools, homeschooling, and home use. The vibrant, opaque colors flow smoothly and consistently, ensuring a delightful painting experience. Moreover, the tempera paint is certified AP Non-Toxic, making it a safe and trustworthy option for kids as young as three years old.

One of the standout features of this remarkable paint is its ease of use. The water-based formula makes it easy to clean up, requiring only mild soap and water to remove any stains. This paint also boasts excellent durability, resisting chipping, flaking, or cracking when dry. As a result, young artists can focus on unleashing their imagination without worrying about the paint's performance.

The Little Masters Green 128Oz Tempera Paint is an excellent choice for educators, parents, and caregivers seeking a reliable and safe art supply. Each 128-ounce bottle provides an ample amount of paint for various art projects, from simple drawings to intricate masterpieces. Since it's free from common allergens like latex, dairy, soy, egg, gluten, peanuts, and tree nuts, you can rest assured that it's suitable for children with sensitive skin or allergies.

This paint is an ideal addition to any art room, classroom, or play area, encouraging kids to explore their creativity and develop their fine motor skills. The endless color blending possibilities allow youngsters to experiment with different hues, textures, and techniques, nurturing their artistic side. As a made-in-the-USA product, you can trust the exceptional quality and performance of the Little Masters Green 128Oz Tempera Paint.

Whether you're a teacher, homeschooling parent, or simply a parent seeking to nurture your child's creativity, this paint is an excellent investment. It's perfect for various art projects, including painting, drawing, and coloring. The generous 128-ounce bottle ensures you'll have plenty of paint for multiple projects, and the affordable price point makes it an excellent value.

In the world of art supplies, the Little Masters Green 128Oz Tempera Paint stands out as a premium choice for young artists. By providing a safe, fun, and creative outlet, you'll be encouraging kids to express themselves, build confidence, and develop essential skills. With its impressive performance, generous quantity, and child-friendly formula, this paint is an excellent addition to any art collection.