Colossal Poms Approx 1200 Pcs Asst Colors And Sizes

SKU: EDR-CK-818101

In Stock

PRICE: US$ 26.96
Unleash the creativity of your little ones with our Colossal Poms, the ultimate art supply for kids! Each giant 1 lb. bag is packed with an assortment of extra-large pom pons in a rainbow of bright hues and three different sizes - 50 mm, 70 mm, and 90 mm in diameter. This classroom-sized bag is perfect for schools, daycare centers, and homeschooling projects, offering an endless supply of colorful fun for kids aged 4 and above.

Our pom pons are the perfect addition to any art project, craft, or DIY activity. Imagine the excitement on your child's face as they dive into a sea of colorful pom poms, exploring their creativity and bringing their imagination to life. From pom pom animals to garlands, ornaments, and decorations, the possibilities are endless! Our assortment of colors and sizes ensures that kids can experiment with different textures, patterns, and designs, perfect for developing their fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and creativity.

Whether you're a teacher, parent, or caregiver, our Colossal Poms are an excellent way to encourage creative play, self-expression, and social skills in kids. They're perfect for group projects, art classes, or individual activities, and can be used in a variety of ways, including gluing, sticking, or threading. Our pom poms are also great for sensory play, allowing kids to explore different textures, colors, and sizes.

Our 1 lb. bag ensures that you'll never run out of pom poms mid-project, allowing kids to focus on what they do best - creating and imagining! The assorted sizes and colors also make it easy to adapt the activity to different age groups and skill levels, making it an excellent resource for teachers and caregivers.

With our Colossal Poms, you can trust that you're providing kids with a high-quality art supply that will spark their creativity and inspire their imagination. Our pom poms are carefully selected to ensure that they're safe, durable, and easy to use, making them perfect for kids of all skill levels. So why settle for a small bag of pom poms when you can have a colossal supply that will last for months to come?

Our Colossal Poms are an excellent choice for anyone looking for a fun and creative way to engage kids in art, craft, and DIY activities. With their bright colors, varied sizes, and endless possibilities, they're sure to become a staple in your art supply cabinet. So why wait? Unleash the creative potential of your kids today and watch them thrive with our Colossal Poms!