Teaching Tac-Tiles


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PRICE: US$ 19.85
Teaching Tac-Tiles is an innovative and interactive learning tool that brings sensory exploration to the next level! This colorful, engaging set of tactile pieces is designed to stimulate a child's senses, strengthen fine motor skills, and foster a love for learning. With 20 pieces in 5 different shapes, each featuring 4 distinct textures - smooth, bumpy, ridged, and rough - Teaching Tac-Tiles provides endless opportunities for interactive play and discovery.

As children reach into the bag, they'll develop their sense of touch, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving skills as they search for matching shapes or textures solely by touch. The included Activity Cards offer fun and engaging challenges that encourage shape identification, vocabulary building, and early math skills. Whether played independently or in a group setting, Teaching Tac-Tiles is an excellent way to promote social interaction, communication, and collaborative learning.

Suitable for children aged 3+, this exceptional learning tool is ideal for early learners, exceptional learners, and those who benefit from sensory integration therapy. The teaching possibilities are endless, making it a valuable resource for teachers, therapists, and caregivers. The compact storage bag ensures easy transport and storage, allowing you to take learning on-the-go.

Teaching Tac-Tiles is an excellent way to engage children in sensory play, encouraging them to explore, experiment, and learn through touch and discovery. By incorporating this innovative tool into daily lessons or playtime, you'll watch children develop essential skills, build confidence, and cultivate a lifelong love for learning.

In addition to its educational benefits, Teaching Tac-Tiles also offers a calming and soothing experience for children, helping to reduce anxiety and stress. The varying textures and shapes provide a calming influence, making it an excellent tool for sensory integration therapy and emotional regulation.

By incorporating Teaching Tac-Tiles into your educational or therapeutic practice, you'll unlock a world of sensory exploration, creativity, and learning. With its delightful colors, engaging textures, and endless play possibilities, this exceptional learning tool is sure to captivate young minds and inspire a lifelong love for learning.