Prang Tempera Paint Gallon Magenta


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PRICE: US$ 27.10
Bringing forth the most vivid hues to any artistic creation, the Prang Tempera Paint Gallon Magenta is the ultimate choice for young artists and educators alike. This exceptional paint boasts a seamless laydown, ensuring that colors blend effortlessly to produce breathtaking results. The AP Certified non-toxic formula guarantees a safe and healthy environment for children, making it the top preference for teachers and parents.

The unique non-settling formula eliminates the need for stirring or shaking, allowing artists to focus on their creative vision without interruptions. The 1-gallon bottle is designed for easy dispensing, making it perfect for high-volume projects or group activities. With its robust magenta hue, this tempera paint adds a pop of color to any painting, collage, or mixed media creation.

Recommended for children aged 3 and above, as well as students from grade PK-12, this Prang Tempera Paint Gallon Magenta sets a new standard for artistic expression. Its ease of use, coupled with its unparalleled performance, makes it an indispensable tool for schools, art classes, and home-based learning environments.

Whether you're an educator seeking to inspire creativity in your students or a parent looking to encourage self-expression in your child, this Prang Tempera Paint Gallon Magenta is the perfect choice. Its ability to provide hours of engaging and interactive fun, while ensuring a safe and toxic-free environment, makes it an ideal addition to any art supply collection.

Moreover, the AP Certification serves as a testament to the brand's commitment to providing high-quality, non-toxic art supplies that meet the highest standards of safety. This, coupled with the paint's exceptional performance, makes it a top pick among teachers, parents, and young artists.

Ideal for a wide range of art projects, including painting, drawing, and mixed media, the Prang Tempera Paint Gallon Magenta is an essential tool for unlocking creative potential. With its vibrant magenta hue, easy-to-use formula, and dedication to safety, this exceptional paint is poised to become an indispensable part of any artistic journey.